Greetings! My name is Tyson and I am a simple guy building things in a small town south of Atlanta. This site is mainly devoted to my love for woodworking, but I am actually a "builder" in a lot of other areas in my life. Although I do not care much for "About" pages (or even this picture), I will tell you a few things that I am really passionate about.

First and foremost, I am a Christian. Everything I do flows out of my primary goal to make much of Jesus Christ and see His Kingdom built here on earth. I've been adopted, forgiven, and given a purpose. My mission to love my wife and kiddos and build a family on the foundation of the gospel flows out of the understanding that I was created to create. So yes, I am passionate about woodworking, but I want my family to observe that I am sold out to a Treasure worth more than our possessions and more lasting than our house, our money, and especially my power tools and my wooden creations. More on all that can be found HERE.

​I am also a teacher. I have the privilege of teaching at a local Christian school and I get to go to work every day with the focus of building and shaping a whole bunch of 7th graders. Trust me, this feels way more complex than prepping a wood surface for that perfect finish. Additionally, I work to build and equip our local congregation through music as a music pastorI love crafting songs in ways that encourage and teach our community about our ultimate Hope. I recorded an album and it is free for download HERE.

As far as woodworking goes, the reason I enjoy it so much is because you can take raw material and watch it turn into something useful and beautiful. Unlike many other things in life, you can actually see progress. From hand-made "magic mallets" and cajóns to custom tables and even backyard chicken coops, crafting useful things out of wood is my passion. Follow along and get ideas for your next project or contact me directly to see if I can build something for you! 

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